Ever been to a festival where fun, knowledge and respect for cultural values are rolled into one package? I bet you have not! This is why you cannot afford to miss this year’s EGBE MEKUN CARNIVAL.

Here is a brief background of the place and the carnival.

Egbe Mekun, popularly called ‘Egbe’ and one of the populous towns in the Okun-speaking regions of Kogi State, is home to over 200,000 people (indigene and non-indigene) in a peaceful cohabitation. The town is referred to as ‘Jerusalem in Nigeria’ because of its beautiful hills and friendly all-year weather. Cassiterite, columbite, and tantalite are some of the mineral resources found in Egbe. Tourist/historical sites like the Ilaga Turtle pond, Ile Oro (Atogbadi) ancient armory etc. are tourist favorites in the Town.

Ariel view of some parts of Egbe town

The town, from inception, has been a commercial hub for trade of farm produce such as yam, corn, sorghum, cocoa, beans, cassava, groundnuts, cotton and non-consumables. Egbe market (Oja Egbe) is the largest and central market for exchange of goods in Egbe town. It is open every 9 days.

Missionaries arrived this town in the early 20th century, Rev. Tommy Titcombe (a British-born Canadian missionary) and his wife, a missionary with SIM (Sudan Interior Mission; now known as Serving in Mission) being one of the first to arrive Egbe in 1908.

Rev. Thomas (Tommy) Titcombe with one of his aids

Other missionaries such as Dr. George and Esther Campion worked with Rev. Tommy Titcombe and his wife (Ethel McIntosh) and left huge impacts in this great town. ECWA Hospital, Egbe, is one of their establishments still in operation till date. Titcombe College is an academic establishment in honour of the Reverend, alongside churches.

As it is the culture of Okun Sons and Daughters far and near, they regularly visit their communities of ancestry, childhood or both to connect with their origins. These visits generate massive population to Egbe Town, especially in the festive period.

Titcombe College in Honour of Rev. Tommy Titcombe
Ariel view of ECWA Hospital Egbe.

This gave birth to the Annual Egbe Mekun Carnival, a convention of Egbe sons, daughters and grandchildren, laced with activities that promote culture and tourism of the Town, and stimulate, attract and cave in local, national and international tourism interests in the town.

Activities during the carnival include Cultural Day, Pageantry, tourism, hiking, local games, picnics, award ceremonies, burn-fire, trade fares, street rallies e.t.c. The event happens over 4-5 days and is honoured by dignitaries of Egbe origin or Kogi Ancestry.

2021 Edition of the Carnival is set to hold between 27th and 30th December. It promises to be fun, exploratory, educative and entertaining.

Here are images of the schedule;

2 thoughts on “EGBE MEKUN CARNIVAL

  1. Congratulations but pls the tourism part should not be left out.
    The cultural part that will showcase the twelve federating towns is important.
    Security is also key.Thank you for event.Egbe is not a town but a city pls.
    I am Ologun Abire 1 of Opada Town ,Egbe city.Prince A.S Abimbola JP


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